How good is this recipe? (1-5 stars) ★★★★★
~2 big-ish spoonful inst. coffee (Trader Joe's--TJ's--instant coffee is really good, but you can use something else)
~2-4 tbsp (tablespoon) water
~Milk (doesn't have an amount)
~Cream (doesn't have an amount)
Optional Ingredients:
~4-6 cubes ice, blendered/pounded into small, tooth-sized-or-smaller bits (I pound the ice w/ a meat pounder but it's a little faster with the blender)
~2 spoons Nesquik
NOTE: all ingredients below are in caps.
Put both spoonfuls INST. COFFEE in mug. If using NESQUIK, as well, put that in, too. Then put 2-4 tbsp WATER in (warm or cold, I don't think it matters). After, put in the CREAM until it is a dark tan. Then, put in MILK until a very light tan. Then, if using ice, put ice in. After that, stir!
NOTE: it won't be sweet just because you put in Nesquik. To sweeten it, put in three custard-cup "fulls" of FAST Caramel Sauce (recipe below)* in to sweeten. Or, do one custard cup at a time, tasting drink after adding caramel sauce until it's sweet enough to your liking. Other people have bigger sweet teeth (tooths?)--I don't have a big sweet tooth even though mine is not a very regular size if you know what I mean. :)
*or search this blog for caramel sauce...I know I posted it, though it was a while ago
FAST Caramel Sauce Recipe:
Prep Time: 1 min
Cook Heat-Up Time: 30 secs
Over-all Time: 1:30 (mins)
You'll Need:
custard cup
brown sugar
Put brown sugar in custard cup until it covers the bottom. Add about a tsp (teaspoon) or two (maybe three? At least, add enough to make about a two-inch wide "pool" of it...notice caramel sauce is definitely NOT a light recipe) of cream. Stir. Put in microwave 30 secs to 1:00 min...If you want it thick, 1:00 min is for you. Want it drink-like, 30 minutes is for you. If you put it in for 1:00 minute, it will harden on the sides quickly (it bubbles up and ALMOST overflows but rest assured I've made caramel sauce for one minute TWO TIMES and it hasn't once overflowed...same with the 30 second one) but if you do it for only 30 seconds, it won't harden unless you leave it over night and then the ants will clean it up quicker than it can harden. Actually, I don't know about that, except that I assume your kitchen has ants like mine does? "Mine" as in "it's-mom's-but-I-use-it" haha lol.
Anyway, have a good day cooking and
~2 big-ish spoonful inst. coffee (Trader Joe's--TJ's--instant coffee is really good, but you can use something else)
~2-4 tbsp (tablespoon) water
~Milk (doesn't have an amount)
~Cream (doesn't have an amount)
Optional Ingredients:
~4-6 cubes ice, blendered/pounded into small, tooth-sized-or-smaller bits (I pound the ice w/ a meat pounder but it's a little faster with the blender)
~2 spoons Nesquik
NOTE: all ingredients below are in caps.
Put both spoonfuls INST. COFFEE in mug. If using NESQUIK, as well, put that in, too. Then put 2-4 tbsp WATER in (warm or cold, I don't think it matters). After, put in the CREAM until it is a dark tan. Then, put in MILK until a very light tan. Then, if using ice, put ice in. After that, stir!
NOTE: it won't be sweet just because you put in Nesquik. To sweeten it, put in three custard-cup "fulls" of FAST Caramel Sauce (recipe below)* in to sweeten. Or, do one custard cup at a time, tasting drink after adding caramel sauce until it's sweet enough to your liking. Other people have bigger sweet teeth (tooths?)--I don't have a big sweet tooth even though mine is not a very regular size if you know what I mean. :)
*or search this blog for caramel sauce...I know I posted it, though it was a while ago
FAST Caramel Sauce Recipe:

Over-all Time: 1:30 (mins)
You'll Need:
custard cup
brown sugar
Put brown sugar in custard cup until it covers the bottom. Add about a tsp (teaspoon) or two (maybe three? At least, add enough to make about a two-inch wide "pool" of it...notice caramel sauce is definitely NOT a light recipe) of cream. Stir. Put in microwave 30 secs to 1:00 min...If you want it thick, 1:00 min is for you. Want it drink-like, 30 minutes is for you. If you put it in for 1:00 minute, it will harden on the sides quickly (it bubbles up and ALMOST overflows but rest assured I've made caramel sauce for one minute TWO TIMES and it hasn't once overflowed...same with the 30 second one) but if you do it for only 30 seconds, it won't harden unless you leave it over night and then the ants will clean it up quicker than it can harden. Actually, I don't know about that, except that I assume your kitchen has ants like mine does? "Mine" as in "it's-mom's-but-I-use-it" haha lol.
Anyway, have a good day cooking and